Webinar Details
Webinar: OpenPrescribing: Getting to Grips with Prescribing Data
Thursday 10th October 8-9pm
Key Takeaways
- Learn about key OpenPrescribing features and tools
- Take a detailed look at antimicrobial stewardship and opioid prescribing measures
- Discover how to run custom analyses on prescribing data
Guest Speakers:

Brian Mackenna, Director of NHS Service Analytics, Bennett Institute
Brian is Director of NHS Service Analytics at the Bennett Institute. He also works for NHS England as a pharmacist adviser and primary care medicines data clinical lead. Brian was previously Clinical Fellow to the English Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Dr. Keith Ridge, and Deputy Head of Medicines Optimisation at Islington Clinical Commissioning Group.

Chris Wood, Clinical GP Pharmacist, Clinical Informatician, Bennett Institute
Chris is a qualified pharmacist working at the Bennett Institute as a clinical informatician. Following a Master of Pharmacy degree from the University of Nottingham he worked as a clinical pharmacist for 11 years in an NHS hospital, in particular specialising in antimicrobial stewardship. He currently works as a prescribing pharmacist within a GP surgery alongside the Bennett Institute role.